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44 Popular Excel Shortcuts for Windows & Mac In 2022

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    Microsoft Excel is one of the core employment skills of every profession. The majority of you are already familiar with this data entry and analysis software. But, with Excel shortcuts, we know you, too, dismiss this as irrelevant.

    You might believe that "whatever can be done using excel shortcuts, I can do better with a mouse," but you are mistaken. Going for the mouse now and then reduces your productivity. Again, you may wonder, "What's the big problem? It only takes a second to reach the mouse," but you also spend time clicking and navigating to your option. It may seem negligible, but multiply it by the number of times you do it for a single activity, and you'll realise you're wasting time reaching for the mouse and navigating.

    Therefore, to save your time, we assist you in becoming more efficient and precise when using the program, thereby reducing errors; we've compiled a list of easy and widely used MS Excel shortcuts below. Practice these and watch your productivity levels soar!

    Remember: There are no rules and techniques to memorise these shortcut keys. Practice is the only way to get them in your head forever. Also, the more you use excel shortcuts, the easier they are to remember.

    What is Microsoft Excel?

    Although, most of you are already familiar with Microsoft Office or MS Office. So, let us go over the basics and discuss a bit about Microsoft Excel. MS Excel is a highly advanced and quite traditional tool developed by Microsoft in 1984, widely used for spreadsheet processing, business operations, accounting, social media marketing, and many other things. It is prevalently used all over the world to store, record, analyse and show data.

    Despite the presence of multiple emerging data analytics solutions available, Microsoft Excel remains the go-to software for dealing with data due to its numerous built-in features and handy shortcuts, which make it easier for us to organise data at our fingertips.

    Let's take a deep dive into the Excel cheat sheet that can help us increase efficiency on an Excel spreadsheet.


    Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

    There is no shortcut to success. Well, this is not true for Excel.

    Excel has more than 200 shortcuts. However, today you'll come across the most popular and easy to use 44 excel shortcuts.

    If you are an Apple user, then you'll be accessing Mac. Make sure the shortcuts vary from Windows and Mac. Try to become accustomed to the right key combinations for your software.

    It is important to note that these 44 MS-Excel Keyboard shortcuts work with all versions of MS Excel 2003, MS Excel 2007, MS Excel 2010, MS Excel 2013, MS Excel 2016, MS Excel 2019 & Office 365.

    So, let's get started!

    #Shortcut NameWindows KeysMac Keys
    1AutoSum Selected CellsALT + =⌘ + Shift + T
    2Add/Remove FilterCtrl + Shift + L ⌘ + Shift + L
    3Add Border to a CellCTRL + SHIFT + &⌘ + Option + 0
    4Remove Cell BorderCtrl + Shift + _ ⌘ + Option + -
    5Insert HyperlinkCtrl + K⌘ + K
    6Add Cell, Row, or ColumnCtrl + Shift + Plus Symbol⌘ + ⇧ + Plus Symbol
    7Delete Cells, Row and ColumnCtrl + -⌘ + Minus Symbol
    8Open Excel Options Dialogue BoxAlt + F + T⌘ + ,
    9Display the Paste Special Dialog BoxCtrl + Alt + V ⌘ + βŒƒ + V
    10Display Find and ReplaceCtrl + F ⌘ + F
    11Fill Down From Cell AboveCtrl + D βŒƒ + D
    12Format (almost) AnythingCtrl + 1⌘ + 1
    13Extend Selection by One Cell RightShift + β†’βŒ˜ + β†’
    14Extend Selection by One Cell LeftShift + ← ⌘ + ←
    15Extend Selection by One Cell UpShift + β†‘βŒ˜ + ↑
    16Extend Selection by One Cell DownShift + β†“βŒ˜ + ↓
    17Align CentreAlt + H + A + C⌘ + E
    18Align LeftAlt + H + A+ L⌘ + L
    19Align RightAlt + H + A + R ⌘ + R
    20Insert Current TimeCTRL + SHIFT + ;⌘ + ;
    21Insert Current DateCTRL + ;^ + ;
    22Select Non-Adjacent WorksheetsCtrl + Click⌘ + Click
    23Select Adjacent WorksheetsShift + Click ⇧ + Click
    24Insert Dollar (Symbol)CTRL + SHIFT + $ βŒƒ + ⇧ + $
    25Calculate Percentages (%)CTRL + SHIFT + % βŒƒ + ⇧ + %
    26Extend Selection to the Last Cell RightCtrl + Shift + β†’βŒƒ + ⇧ + β†’
    27Extend Selection to the Last Cell LeftCtrl + Shift + ← βŒƒ + ⇧ + ←
    28Extend Selection to the Last Cell UpCtrl + Shift + β†‘βŒƒ + ⇧ + ↑
    29Extend Selection to the Last Cell DownCtrl + Shift + ↓ βŒƒ + ⇧ + ↓
    30Move to Next TabCtrl + TabβŒƒ + Tab
    31Move to Previous TabCtrl + Shift + TabβŒƒ + ⇧ + Tab
    32Hide ColumnsCtrl + 0 βŒƒ + 0
    33Hide RowsCtrl + 9 βŒƒ + 9
    34Unhide RowsCtrl + Shift + 9βŒƒ + ⇧ + 9
    35Unhide ColumnsCtrl + Shift + 0βŒƒ + ⇧ + 0
    36Extend Selection UP One ScreenShift + PgUp Fn + ⇧ + ↑
    37Extend Selection Down One ScreenShift + PgDnFn + ⇧ + ↓
    38Extend Selection Right One ScreenAlt + Shift + PgDnFn + ⇧ + βŒ₯ + ↓
    39Extend Selection Left One ScreenAlt + Shift + PgUp Fn + ⇧ + βŒ₯ + ↑
    40Delete an Entire Row/ColumnCtrl + DeleteFn + βŒƒ + Delete
    41Toggle Strikethrough FormattingCtrl + 5⌘ + ⇧ + X
    42Expand or Collapse the Formula BarCtrl + Shift + UβŒƒ + ⇧ + U
    43Open the Insert Function Dialog BoxShift + F3Fn + ⇧ + F3
    44Jump to Beginning of Cell ContentsCtrl + Click⌘ + Click


    After reading this blog, you would have a better understanding of the various Excel shortcuts aligned to the workbook, cell formatting, row and column formatting, and so on.

    We strongly advise you to detach the mouse from the computer before you begin learning excel keyboard shortcuts. This will be irritating at first, but it will force you to concentrate on the keyboard.

    There are more such nifty Excel keyboard shortcuts that will make you a lot more productive at Excel that we will cover in the future. For the time being, practise these shortcuts and save your time.

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