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Centre For Jain Studies

The Centre of Jain Studies has been established to impart moral education, comparative studies of different philosophies, and comprehensive research in religious studies. With an experience-based worldview of the universe as a reality, a rational theory of karma, and a reverence for all life, Jain philosophy promotes a lifestyle that preserves ecosystems.

Though ancient, Jain philosophy is quite relevant to modern society and proposes solutions for many problems of the modern world. With an experience-based world-view of the universe as a reality a rational theory of karma, a reverence for all life, the philosophy promotes a lifestyle that preserves our ecosystems. Practitioners of Jain philosophy respect different viewpoints and advance personal as well as global peace.

The core principles of Jain philosophy - Non-Violence, Non-Absolutism and Non-Possessiveness may prove to be the foundation for world peace. Students receive both theoretical and practical knowledge of Jain philosophy, grounded in the principles of truth and non-violence.

The College offers BA, MA and Doctoral study programmes with special emphasis on Jain studies. After successfully completing the course, the students are eligible for government and non-government services. Also, the alumni can work independently as Vidhanacharya, Pritishthacharya, Jyotishacharya and Vastuvid.

Students in the Jain Studies concentration study Jain philosophy, ethics, and living streams of religious experience based on non-harming. Students will have the opportunity to explore Jain culture’s primary texts, doctrines, and their contemporary application. Research topics may include diaspora Jainism, sacred and commentarial literature, pilgrimage, ritual, material culture, monastic traditions, lived Jainism and cultural exchange, Jainism and ecology, and Jainism and the natural sciences. The Jain tradition will be studied in conversation with the other Dharma traditions (Hindu and Buddhist) in order to deepen understanding of their mutual illumination as well as the unique contributions of Jainism.

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TMU's signature of an MOU for an "Endowment Chair" was a source of pride.

In honour of Parmar Kshatriyaoddharak Jaincharya Shrimad Vijay Indradinn Surishwar Ji Maharaj Saheb's 100th birthday, Teerthanker Mahaveer University in Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, and Shree Ostra Parshvanath Jain Shwetamber Murtipujak Trust came together. With the blessings of Vartman Gacchadhapati Shrimad Vijay Dharamdhurandher Suri Ji Maharaj Saheb, "Endowment Chair" was established.

Dr. Aditya Sharma (Registrar) and Dr. Jay Kumar Dhaddha signed an MOU during the occasion to establish an "Endowment Chair" (Trustee).

As part of the vision, the establishment of "Endowment Chair" was the primary goal of this MOU for the parties. The "Endowment Chair's" curriculum was created with the intention of assisting the university's intellectual, teaching, and research endeavours. In addition, it will plan and carry out short-term programmes for teachers that focus on the chair's specified discipline.

Acharya Shrimad Vijay Dharmdhurandhar Surishwar Ji Maharaj Saheb received the MOU from Shri Suresh Jain (Chancellor) and other dignitaries in exchange for his blessings. Shri Suresh Jain, the Chancellor, spoke about how even a modest act of kindness to the underprivileged section of society can result in significant change. He made a point of highlighting the importance of education in advancing our civilisation. He asserted that people might learn and arrive at a path that offers them holistic growth through the teachings of Jainism.

The Endowment Chair's functions will include the selection of a distinguished and eminent professor, promotion of study programmes and educational programmes, including degree programmes, diplomas, certification programmes, etc., within the context of the TMU Moradabad in the field of Jainism, and dissemination of Jainism's tenets. In order to increase knowledge in the field of study, it is important to promote Ph.D., other research, and creative programmes for Jain philosophy.



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"Learn to labor before you grow old, for knowledge is better than silver or gold. Silver or gold may perish away, but acquired knowledge will never decay."

Teerthanker Mahaveer University is imparting world class education by means of more than 100 different courses. Centre for Jain Studies was started to impart moral education, comparative studies of different philosophies, and facilitate research work. The core principles of Jain Philosophy—Non-Violence, Non-Absolutism, and Non-Possessiveness—may provide a solid foundation for world peace. Proper education is a key to prosperity. Although Jain philosophy is ancient, it remains highly relevant to modern society and offers solutions to many of the world's current problems. By following the principle of Non-Violence, global defense expenditures could be significantly reduced and redirected toward improving human welfare. Similarly, the principle of Non-Possessiveness will reduce economic disparity, and the principle of Non-Absolutism will foster harmony of thought among family members, society, and individuals with differing viewpoints. The principles of Right Faith, Right Knowledge, and Right Conduct, which are the ideal values of the university, form the foundation of world peace. Students are encouraged to enroll in the B.A. (Jainology) and M.A. (Jainology) programs to receive moral education, which will help them become good citizens of the country while also providing a means of livelihood.

Prof. (Dr.) Vipin Jain
Centre of Jain Studies



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