From the Desk of Principal


"I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything; but still I can do something. ..."

As the Principal of this esteemed Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Nursing, I wanted to take a moment to address all of you and share my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering dedication and commitment to excellence.
We offer programs starting from Auxiliary nurse midwife, GNM, B.Sc. Nursing and post-graduate programs like M.Sc. Nursing and also PhD in nursing. Our college has recognition from UP State Nursing Council and the Indian Nursing Council (INC).
I want to express my deepest appreciation to our exceptional faculty members, who demonstrate extraordinary professionalism and adaptability in transitioning and grooming nursing students into competent healthcare professionals. To all our exceptional students and their unwavering passion for nursing and commitment to caring for others have made us proud. The adaptability and perseverance in navigating the ever-changing healthcare landscape have been truly remarkable.

I have immense faith in the practices the college ensures to teach students the true essence of being a healthcare professional. We have seen and shaped professionals that have made significant contributions to the nursing profession and positively impact the lives of countless individuals.
As we move forward, let us continue to embrace change, pursue knowledge, and strive for excellence. Together, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way and continue to provide compassionate and competent care to those in need.

Dr.(Prof).Jasline .M