Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics

The Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics The Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics at Teerthanker Mahaveer Dental College & Research Centre was established in 2005 and Post Graduation (MDS) was started in the year 2010. It is the largest outpatient department of the college rendering both Conservative and Endodontic treatments to the patients. The Department provides quality education to all undergraduate students, with emphasis on Concept Building and Holistic development of students. The Academic excellence starts from the very first year as the subject of Dental Materials is being taught in the department to the BDS First year students. The students are well groomed in the subject with dummy work for preclinical education before they enter into the clinical work in third year of BDS. Specialized phantom head laboratory is available for BDS Second year students for pre-clinical work. The department has dedicated teaching and non-teaching faculties.

The Department has various facilities to provide quality services to the patients. Specialized dental treatment are being provided which includes amalgam restorations, Glass Ionomer Cement Restorations, Composite Restorations(Tooth Colored Esthetic Restorations), Vital Pulp Therapy, Root Canal Treatment (Single and Multi Visit), Post and Cores (Metal and Fibre), Crowns (Metal, PFM and Zirconia), Endodontic Surgeries & Micro-Endodontics, and the most modern esthetic make-up of the teeth for Smile Designing and Smile Makeovers (Diastema Closure) with procedures like Veneers and Direct Composites. Bleaching (Teeth Whitening) is also done for both Vital and Non Vital teeth.

For the Post Graduates (MDS) obtaining training in the department the emphasis is given on Microscopic Restorative as well as Surgical Training. Root Canal Treatment is being done by using Electronic Apex Locators, RVG, CBCT, Sonic and Ultrasonic Activators along with Backfill Obturation instruments and techniques. Procedures like Retreatment are also taught to students of MDS. Students are promoted to carry out research activities and present their researches in various national and international conferences.

Key Features

  1. A built-up clinical area with separate undergraduate and post graduate clinics.
  2. Pre-clinical wing comprising of 50 phantom heads for undergraduate training.
  3. Dental operating Microscopes.
  4. Department library.
  5. State of the art ceramic laboratory.
  6. In department Radiology section
  7. Seminar room with the LEDs Installed.
  8. Presence of the latest equipments like apex locators, endo motors, instrument retrieval kits, endosonic equipments,Thermoplastic Gutta Percha equipments and various other instruments.
  9. Fully electronic dental chairs for greater ease and comfort.
  10. Left-hand operator chair for left handed students.

Specialized Equipment and Specialized Treatment

The Department of conservative dentistry and endodontics is very well equipped with all instruments and machineries to provide complete perfect care to all patients under one roof.

The department has latest materials to provide quality services to the patients at very nominal prices. Most of the Amalgam restorations, GIC fillings are done by undergraduate students. Composite restorations are specifically done by interns, postgraduates as well as staffs. Advanced stage treatments are done by post-graduates and staffs like root canal treatment, post and core, endodontic surgeries etc. The department is equipped with highly specialized staff to guide undergraduates as well as post-graduates.

Research & Academic Activities

The Department of conservative dentistry and endodontics has post-graduation (M.D.S), having an intake of five each year, which sums up to a total of 15 post graduate students pursuing MDS course at one time.

Various in-vitro and in-vivo research studies are conducted in the department on various materials like root-end filling materials including MTA, Biodentine etc. Scientific forums are conducted by the department very often about innovative studies to enlighten the students.

Seminars and Journal Clubs are conducted at regular intervals to update the student’s knowledge on research, innovative studies and recent trends.


Our Laboratories

Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics

Dental College and Research Centre, TMU Campus Download Geo Tag Image

UG Section

Dental College and Research Centre, TMU Campus Download Geo Tag Image

PG Section

Dental College and Research Centre, TMU Campus Download Geo Tag Image

Preclinical Lab

Dental College and Research Centre, TMU Campus Download Geo Tag Image

Labs Equipments

Sl. No. Name of Equipments
1 Electrically operated Dental Chairs with shadowless lamp, spittoon, 3 way syringe, instrument tray and motorized suction, micromotor, airotor attachment with hand pieces
1 Electrically operated Dental Chairs with shadowless lamp, spittoon, 3 way syringe, instrument tray and motorized suction, micromotor, airrotor attachment with hand pieces
2 ENDOSONIC HANDPIECES - Micro endosonic Tips, retro treatment
3 Mechanised rotary instruments including hand pieces (speed and torque control) and hand instruments various systems
4 Rubber dam kit
5 Autoclaves for bulk instrument sterilization vacuum (Front loading)
6 Autoclaves for hand piece sterilization
7 Apex locators one for every two chairs
8 Pulp tester
9 Equipments for injectable thermoplasticized gutta percha
10 Operating microscopes 3 step or 5 step magnification
11 Surgical endo kits (Microsurgery)
12 Set of hand instruments (specifications required)
13 Sterilizer trays for autoclave
14 Ultrasonic cleaner capacity 3.5 lts
15 Variable Intensity polymerization equipments - VLC units
16 Conventional VLC units one for every two chairs
Sl. No. Name of Equipments
17 Needle destroyer
18 Magnifying loupes one for students and one for faculty
19 LCD projector
20 Composite kits with different shades and polishing kits
21 Ceramic finishing kits, metal finishing kits
22 Amalgam finishing kits
23 RVG with x-ray machine developing kit
24 Chair side micro abrasion
25 Bleaching unit
26 Instrument retrieval kits
27 Computer with internet connection with attached printer and scanner
28 Refrigerator
29 Equipments for casting procedures
30 Equipments for ceramics including induction casting machines/ burnout preheat furnaces/ wax elimination furnaces
31 Lab micro motor/ metal grinders / sand blasters/ polishing lathes/ duplicator equipment/ vacuum investment equipments
32 Laser (preferably hard tissue)
33 Face bow with semi adjustable articulator