Corporate Advisory Board

For any professional institution the interaction with academic and corporate world is of great importance. College has Corporate Advisory Board including Principal (as Chair Person), Head Training & Placement and members from the industries. The Board members provides advice and guidance on academic program to the college as a whole or to individual academic departments. This helps ensure our curriculum remain relevant and rigorous. Corporate Advisory Board members also interact with faculty & Students (SPCC members) as mentors and as guest speakers in classes, and provide internship and job opportunities to our students.

Key Objectives of Corporate Advisory Board

  • Helps in revising the curriculum and teaching methodology as per corporate need.
  • Participate in our Employability Enhancement Training Programs available with us.
  • Conducting faculty development projects with well designed timelines.
  • Support in conducting various national level Seminars / Conferences / Workshops.
  • Advising us on value added courses as per the growing needs of the industry.
  • Developing entrepreneurial abilities, by providing projects that engage students in ‘design to delivery solution’ to improve the quality.
  • Setting up ‘labs’ within institute to get research and innovation.
  • Advising and helping us on better placements and internships.

Committee Members of Training & Placement Cell

Sl.No. Contact Person Designation Contact No. Email ID
1 Prof. Rakesh Kr. Dwivedi
Secretary +91-9917200216
2 Mr. Vikram Raina
(Asst. Director. Training & Placement)
Convener +91-8800092306
3 Dr. S.P Pandey
Member +91-8527838064
4 Mr. Raghvendra Kumar Singh
(Assistant Professor)
Member +91-6395924153
5 Dr. Navneet Kumar
(Assistant Professor)
Member +91-9997945770
6 Mr. Anurag Srivastava
(Assistant Professor)
Member +91-9795304111
7 Mr. Rahul Vishnoi
(Assistant Professor)
Member +91-9719004461
8 Dr. Alok K Gahlot
(Assistant Professor)
Member +91-9897514806
9 Mr. Ankit Kumar Sharma
(Assistant Professor)
Member +91-9410047488
10 Ms. Gulista Khan
(Assistant Professor)
Member +91-8430149550
Note: Programme Coordinators are the default Members of this committee.