Department of Medical Surgical Nursing




Lab Equipments

# Name of Equipments
1 Gluteal Injection Model
2 Airway Intubation Model
3 Infant CPR
4 Certral Venous Cath Model
5 Deltoid Model
6 Defebrilator
8 Full Body CPR
9 Half Body CPR Basic
10 Patient Care Manikin
11 Trauma Parts
12 Injectable arm
13 Scissor Blunt Tip Medium
14 Ambu Bag & Mask(Adult)
15 Ambu Bag & Mask(Pediatric)
16 Health Scissors Fine
17 Devars retractor
18 Mayo Towel Clip
19 Instrument Pin
20 Forceps, dissecting, Plain end 127 mm
21 Forceps, dissecting, McIndoe
22 Scissors, blunt tip
23 Probe, 178 mm
24 Volkmann scoop
25 Retractors, west & self retaining – small
26 Retractors, Lagenbeck small
27 Retractors, skin hook
28 Retractors, Kilner catspaw
29 Sucker, Nozzle
30 Scalpel Handle, BP,
31 Forceps, Tissue, Babcock
32 Bed Mattress
33 Bed Sheet
34 Pilow
35 Suture set
36 Forceps tooth
37 Towel clip
38 Scalpel handle no-4
39 Needle holder
40 Mayos Scissor curved Small
41 Mayos Scissor curved Medium
# Name of Equipments
42 Haemos Forceps-Baby 4 inch
43 Haemos Forceps-spenner 6 inch
44 Haemos Forceps-spenner 8 inch
45 Haemos Forceps-baby mosquito hartman straight-4inch
46 IV cut down set
47 Haemos Forceps-spenner well straight 6 inch
48 Haemos Forceps-spenner well straight 8 inch
49 Haemos Forceps-spenner well straight 8 inch
50 Kochers Artery forceps Straight
51 Kochers Artery forceps Curved
52 Tissue forceps(large,medium,small)
53 Sponge holding forceps
54 Plain dissecting forceps(large,medium,small)
55 Artery forceps curve medium
56 Artery forceps Straight medium
57 Forceps, dissecting, Adson 1X2 teeth
58 Sponge holder
59 Forceps, dissecting, Gillies
60 Forceps, Tissue, Allis
61 Mayo Needle Holder-Hegar 20 cm
62 Kidney Tray Large
63 Kidney Tray Small
64 Kidney Tray medium
65 Hand wash
66 Spirit solution
67 Handrub solution
68 Bowl Large
69 Bowl Medium
70 Bowl Small
71 Hand Towel
72 Wall Houk
73 Clean Gloves
74 Medium Tray
75 Small Tray
76 Big Tray
77 Tourniquet
78 Dust Bin
79 Laryngo Scope adult
80 Laryngo Scope pediatric