Inaugural Session of New Computer Labs at TMU

The Inaugural Session of the new Computer Labs at Teerthanker Mahaveer University marked a significant milestone in the university's journey towards academic excellence and technological advancement. On 27th March 2024, amidst great anticipation and excitement, Honourable Chancellor Shri Suresh Jain Ji inaugurated four state-of-the-art labs equipped with advanced technology at the College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT).

Distinguished Presence

The event, hosted at CCSIT and graced by dignitaries including GVC Shri Manish Jain, Acting VC Prof. Harbansh Dixit, Registrar Dr. Aditya Sharma, and Dean Academics Prof. Manjula Jain, showcased TMU's commitment to providing students with the best possible learning environments. The presence of Principal CCSIT, Vice Principal CCSIT, HOD CCSIT, along with all Faculty Members and Lab Staff Members, highlighted the collective effort towards achieving academic excellence.

Key Speakers' Insights

Honourable Chancellor Shri Suresh Jain Ji emphasised the importance of continuous self-improvement and innovation in both faculty and students. He highlighted the role of criticism as a catalyst for growth and urged individuals to embrace it as a means of personal development. GVC Mr. Manish Jain expressed his optimism about the enhanced technological infrastructure benefiting TMU CS students while Acting VC Prof. Harbansh Dixit highlighted the pivotal role of laboratories in nurturing practical skills.

Vision for Student Development

The event not only symbolised a leap forward in technological advancements but also reaffirmed TMU's commitment to academic excellence. The integration of modern technology into the new labs reflects TMU's dedication to providing students with a conducive learning environment.

The Success of the Event

The Inaugural Session of the new Computer Labs at Teerthanker Mahaveer University heralds a new era of innovation and growth. With state-of-the-art facilities and a steadfast commitment to academic excellence, TMU is poised to empower students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in an increasingly competitive world.


Q1. Will the new computer labs be accessible to all TMU students?

Ans: Yes, the new labs are open to all TMU students across various disciplines.

Q2. What specific technologies are integrated into the new labs?

Ans: The labs feature systems with Intel Core i-7 processors, 16 GB RAM, and 512 GB SSD for maximum efficiency.

Q3. How will the new labs enhance the learning experience for students?

Ans: The advanced technology will provide students with hands-on experience and practical skills crucial for their academic and professional development.

Q4. Are there plans for further technological advancements at TMU?

Ans: TMU remains committed to staying at the forefront of technological innovation, with plans for ongoing upgrades and enhancements.

Q5. How can students make the most of the new labs?

Ans:  Students are encouraged to utilise the labs for research, projects, and practical learning opportunities, under the guidance of faculty members. To get more updates on such events, follow TMU’s social media channels.
