Innovation & Startup Activities

Sr. No. Date Quarter Name Name of Activity Type of Activity Theme of Activity Resource Person Name + Affiliation
1. 11.11.2021 Q1 My Story Motivational Session by Successful Innovator Elective Startup Mr Sanasam Bankim Chandra Singh(Associate Professor, Yengkhom Netramani College of Nursing, Kakching)
2. 11.11.2021 Q1 National Education Day Celebration Day Celebration Essay/Slogan Competition
3. 18.11.2021 Q1 Road Safety Week Celebration Day Celebration Celebration
4. 24.11.2021 Q1 My Story Motivational Session by Successful Entrepreneur / Startup Founder Elective Startup MR. Aman Kumar Singh (Director-F.A.C.T)
5. 12.02.2021 Q1 Workshop on  Innovation & Entrepreneurship  As Career opportunity Elective Innovation Dr. Vivek Swaroop, (Assistant Professor faculty of applied Medical Sciences Lovely Professional University (Panjab) Innovation Ambassador, MOE 
6. 05.02.2022 Q1 Session on Problem Solving & Ideation Elective Startup Mr. Gautam Arora (Technical Product Specialist Nagarro)
7. 21.10.2021 Q1 Ideal Diagnostic Laboratory: Innovation at its finest Self Driven Innovation Mr Manish Shukla(MDS-Sales Tech Agappe) MrAnupamSharma(Sales Head-Tech Agappe) MrAlokPriyadarshini(MDS-Service Tech Agappe)  
8. 14.10.2021 Q1 Leprosy Breaking Myths-Innovation from the Masses Self Driven Innovation MrTanzeelKhan(Program Manager Education,Sasakwa Leprosy Foundation) MrAftab Pasha(Program Communication andAdvocacy,Sasakwa Leprosy Foundation)
9. 01.12.2021 Q1 Innovative Techniques in Combating AIDS Self Driven Innovation Poster Competition
10. 14.12.2021 Q1 Recent Innovations in Dental Imaging Self Driven Innovation Dr. Arti Chaudhary(Joint Director & CBCT Consultant at Sampurna 3D DentalImagings)
11. 18.12.2021 Q1 Innovative Advances and Advances and Treatment in Tobacco Intervention Self Driven Innovation Dr.Megha Srivastava(Director-Pritha Healthcare Charitable Society &Pritha Healthcare Pvt Ltd)
12. 06.12.2021 Q2 National Pollution Control Day Celebration Day Innovation Poster Competition
13. 31.01.2022 Q2 Pitching Event on PoC’s Developed and Linkage with Innovation Ambassador for Mentorship Support Elective Innovation Mr. Shyam Kumar (Incubation Manager, IIM Lucknow)
14. 07.02.2022 Q2 Session on Achieving Problem- Solution Fit & Product Market Fit Elective Startup Dr. Bhaskar Gupta (Innovation Ambassador Ministry of Education Innovation Cell (MIC)
15. 09.02.2022 Q2 Workshop on Design Thinking, Critical Thinking & Innovation Design Elective Innovation Prof. (Dr.) R.N. Krishna (Director-CTLD),  Prof. Navneet Kumar (Vice Principal College of Paramedical Sciences), Dr. Ruchi Kant Associate Professor Head-MLT Department, TMU)
16. 11.02.2022 Q2 Innovation Trends in Oncological Rehabilitation Self Driven Innovation Dr. Jasmine Anandabai (Dean & Principal JyotiraoPhuleSubharti College of Physiotherapy Swami Vivekananda Subharti University  
17. 19.02.2022 Q2 Intellectual Property Protection: Research Paper or Patent? Self Driven IP Mr. Gaurav Mishra (IP Manager & Attorney Banana IP Counsels, Bangalore)
18. 18.11.2021 Q2 World Radiography Day: Recent Multi Modality Innovations in Radiology and Imaging Self Driven Innovation Dr. RajulRastogi (Prof. Dept. of Radio-diagnosis TeerthankerMahaveer Medical College of Research Center), Prof. Navneet Kumar (Vice Principal College of Paramedical Sciences), Host Ms. Priyanka Singh (HOD, Dept. BRIT College of Paramedical Sciences)
19. 11.01.2022 Q2 E-Symposium On Building Innovation Ecosystem In Educational Institutions- Day 1 MIC Driven Innovation Shri HarshitRathore(Co-Founder & CTO,Naccarc Robotics) Shri VikasM(Founder & MD,Nazara Technologies) Shri ShrikantBMD,Badve Industries) Prof.AbhayK(Director,IIIIT,Kanpur) Prof.ABPandit(VC,ICT,Mumbai) Shri Rahul Nayar(VC Invest India) Shri RjendraRatnoo(JS,DPIIT,CGPDTM)
20. 12.01.2022 Q2 E-Symposium On Building Innovation Ecosystem In Educational Institutions- Day 2 MIC Driven Innovation Shri Yashraj Bhardwaj(Innovator) Shri Harsh Neekhra(Founder & CEO NovorbisItusPvt Ltd) Ms. Shefali Vinod Ramteke(Founder &COO,PS-1925) Ms.NeelamBhayre(Founder,WeWakeIndigreePvt.Ltd.) Dr.AnandDespande(Founder& MD,Persistent Systems) Mrs.SrideviPankajam(MD,Commonwealth Bank of Australia) Shri CV Raman(Chief Technology Officer,Maruti Suzuki India Ltd)
21. 24.01.2022 Q2 Orientation Session On IIC 4.0 & Features MIC Driven Innovation MrDipan Kumar Sahu(Assistant Innovation Director,MIC)
22. 11.01.2022 Q2 Innovative Advancements in CBCT-The third eye Self Driven Innovation Dr.Vasu Siddhartha Saxena(Professor,Career PG Institute of Dental Science & Hospital,Lucknow)
23. 24.02.2022 Q2 Start-Up Online Elective StartUp Ms. Anusha Pandey (Jr. Strategic Alliances  Associate Indian Institute of  Digital Education)
24. 24.02.2022 Q3 Odontogenic Tumors: Recent Trends Self Driven Innovation Anand S. Tegginamani (Associate Professor SEGi University Malaysia
25. 04.04.2022 Q3 Innovative Trends in Teaching & Learning Self Driven Innovation Dr.(Prof) Manjula Jain(Associate Dean Academics,TMU)
26. 05.03.2022 Q3 Recent Innovation & its Implementation in Health Sector Self Driven Innovation Dr. Narotam Sharma (Senior Scientist & Head Molecular Testing, NABI),  Prof. Navneet Kumar (Vice Principal College of Paramedical Sciences), Dr. Ruchi Kant Associate Professor Head-MLT Department, TMU)
27. 07.03.2022 Q3 A Sensitization Programmeon Intellectual Property Rights Self Driven IP Dr. Usha Rao (Assistant Controller of Parents & Design , IPO, MoC, GoI
28. 09.04.2022 Q3 Innovative Hands-On Workshop on Joint Mobilisation Self Driven Innovation Dr.Amit Kumar(Senior Physiotherapist, Sri GanagaRam Hospital,New Delhi)
29. 09.04.2022 Q3 Field Visit Self Driven Innovation (Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,New Delhi)
30. 12.04.2022 Q3 How to Plan for Startup Legal and Ethical Steps Elective StartUp DrBhaskar Gupta (Dean(A)IIMT College of Polytechnic,Greater Noida)
31. 12.04.2022 Q3 Tactical Approach for Innovative Contrast Media Self Driven Innovation Mr Abhishek Anand(Application Specialist,PDX)
32. 16.04.2022 Q3 Newer and Innovative Dimensions in Public Health Self Driven Innovation DrJyoti Sharma(Indian Institute of Public Health,Delhi)
33. 16.04.2022 Q3 Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry: Current Applications and Future Perspectives Self Driven Innovation Dr.K.Sridevi(Prof & Head,Lenora Institute of Dental Sciences,Rajamundry,Andhra Pradesh)
34. 22.04.2022 Q3 World Earth Day(Innovative Ideas to Invest in Our Planet) Celebration Day Innovation MrSurendraSingh(Principal,Sikh Inter College,Narangpur,JP Nagar,UP) MrSudesh Kumar (Lecturer-Sikh Inter College,Narangpur,JP Nagar,UP)
35. 26.04.2022 Q3 Intellectual Property Rights with Respect to Innovations Self Driven IP Ms.ShreyaChaddha(IP Associate,Banana IP Counsels,Bangalore)
36. 29.04.2022 Q3 Field Visit Self Driven IP Carl Zeiss India,New Delhi
37. 30.04.2022 Q3 Innovations in Digital & Cyber Forensics to Accelerate Investigation Self Driven Innovation Mr Ashish Kuntal(Director,Hawk Eye Forensic, Noida,UP)
38. 16.05.2022 Q3 Prototype/Process Design and Development - Prototyping Elective Innovation Prof DipaliKamthania(School of Information Technology,VIPS Delhi)
39. 27.05.2022 Q3 Developing online repository for of business plan/ prototype developed and way forward plan Elective Innovation Mr Jimmy Jain (Forbes Council Coach,Harvard University)
40. 31.05.2022 Q3 Innovative Methods in Tobacco Cessation Self Driven Innovation Collage Making Competition
41. 21.06.2022 Q4 Yoga Day Self Driven   Yoga for Humanity
42 17.08.2022 Q4 Innovation and Startup Ecosystem Enablers from the regional Level. Self Driven Innovation Mr. Mahendra Gupta (Chief Executive Officer) iNurture Incubation Foundation
43 22.08.2022 Q4 Lean Startup & Minimum Viable Product /Business Self Driven Entrepreneurship Dr. KalyanaChakravarthiThirunagari (Chief Advisor & Co-founder Startcore Technologies & Visiting Professor & Coach-ELT)  
44 24.08.2022 Q4 Accelerators/incubation-Opportunities for Students & Faculties-Early Stage Enterpreneurs Self Driven Entrepreneurship Ms.Sangeeta Roy chaudhuri(Founder & CEO EDUDHA)
45 26.08.2022 Q4 National Photography Day Self Driven Innovation Mr. Ravindra Dev (HOD College of Fine Arts TMU)
46 27.08.2022 Q4 Recenyt Advancements in Emergency Care Self Driven Innovation Dr. Rohit Kumar Tiwari (Senior Resident &Incharge, Critical care unit)
47 29.08.2022 Q4 Educational Visit to Fire Station Self Driven Field Visit Prof. Navneet Kumar (Vice Principal , College of Paramedical Sciences)
48 30.08.2022 Q4 Innovative Trends in Physiotherapy Assesment& Treatment Protocol Self Driven Innovation Dr. Aditi Singh(PT)(Consultant Physiotherapist  Zone Active Physiocare ,South Delhi
49 30.08.2022 Q4 How to identify sources of funding for startups Self Driven Startups Dr. Mahesh R. Prajapati (Assistant professor & P.G Co-ordinator Dept. of Financial Management international Agri-Business Management Institute Anand Agricultural University Anand (Gujarat )India