Pathology Geo Tagged Infrastructure

Blood Bank

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Clinical Lab

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Demonstration Room 1

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Demonstration Room 2

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Grossing Room

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Haematology Lab

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Histopath Lab

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HOD Room

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Medical Education

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Post Graduate Lab

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Practical Lab

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Reporting Room

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Seminar Room

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1 B.P Apparatus
2 Bone marrow trephine biopsy needle
3 Bone marrow aspiration needle
4 Centrifuge Lab (Remi) Model Doctor-303
5 Dissecting Microscope
6 Double Demonstration Eye piece
7 ESR Pipette Westergren
8 ESR Stand Westergren 
9 ESR Tube Wintrobe
10 ESR Stand for Wintrobe
12 Hemocytometer with RBC & WBC Pipette 
13 Hemoglobinometer Sahli’s type with Hb pipette 
14 Microtome 
15 Hot Plate 
16 Calorimeter 
17 Monocular Microscope 
18 Pointer Eye piece
19 Troughs for staining in bulk 
20 Stop watch
21 Urinometers
23 X- ray view box
24 OHP
25 Autoclaves  
  Desktop Computers with High Speed Internet, Laser Black & White Heavy duty Laser Printers, Color Inkjet Printers, Scanners, Photocopy (Xerox) Machines, Telephone with STD facility, Fax Machine etc. Every faculty & Resident must have separate Desktop/Laptop with high speed Internet facility. Office table small and big, office chairs; museum almirahs; study table, staff room, and library almirahs, stock almirahs, store room racks, lockers with coat hangers and drawers as required. Laboratory benches with cupboards and rack for reagent bottles, water, gas and electric points, operation tables
etc. as necessary.
(B) Morbid Histology and Morbid Anatomy
2 Specimen Identification Solutions
3 Weighing machine for cadavers (300 Kg.)
4 Manual Rotary Microtome
5 Automated Rotary Microtome
6 Cryostat
7 Hot plate
8 Paraffin embedding bath
9 Heated Paraffin Embedding Module
10 Cold Plate for Modular Tissue Embedding System
11 Automated Tissue Processor –Histokinette
12 Autoclave
13 Ultrapure water solutions - Distilled water plant
14 Water bath
15 Centrifuge machine
16 Cabinet for slides
17 Autopsy tables
18 Digital SLR at least 20 megapixel with micro, macro, wide angle zoom lenses, Flash and other accessories
19 Digital Automatic camera > 5 megapixel
20 Fully Automated high throughput Multi-Stainer Workstation
21 Fully Automated Embedding System (Heated embedding module & cold plate)
22 Fully Automated Flexible Coverslipping Workstation
23 Standalone paraffin dispensing module cold plate holding more than 100 cassettes
24 Stand alone cold plate
25 Troughs for staining
26 Coplin jars
27 Water bath (Tissue Floatation)
28 Single Pan Digital Balance, Chemical
29 Balance, chemical with weights
30 For Students – LED Binocular with Scanner, 10X, 40X, & Oil immersion lenses and inbuilt Battery backup power source
31 For Diagnostic & Research Work - Trinocular head Microscope with Bright field, Dark field, Fluorescent & Polarizing Facility, high end Apochromatic lenses with Camera with HDMI Multi output camera Minimum 5MP with Projector & Ultra HD TV > 52 inches & Screen including Software Capable of Brightfield & Immunofluorescence Photography with connectivity to projector & LED TV (At least 55 inches Ultra HD)
32 For every Professor, Associate & Assistant Professor : Binocular Microscopes with High end Semiapochromatic Optics of international standard.
33 For every Tutor – Binocular Microscope with suitable high end lenses.
34 Penta Head Microscope with High end Optics with HDMI Multi output Photographic camera (> 5 MP) including Software
35 Deca Head Microscope with High end Optics with HDMI Multi output Photographic camera (> 5 MP) including Software
36 Grossing Station - Stainless steel, with Control panel, air filtration system, Track mounted adjustable computer arm with articulation, LED lights that are color and intensity, Dedicated USB ports for camera control and data transfer adjustable, Integrated pathology camera system, Instrument Set (High quality) Height Adjustable Stainless Steel Chairs With Split AC of appropriate capacity.
37 Fully Automated Immuno-histo-chemistry Setup with Continuous supply of Important Antibodies, Lymphoma Panel etc.
38 Automatic High Speed Slide Scanner for converting Slides in Digital Format with software and Database Management with backup for Data Storage
(C) Hematology Lab:
39 Five part Fully Automated Cell Counter
40 Three Part Fully Automated Cell Counter
41 Coagulometer (Fully automated)
42 Magnifying lens
43 Blood pressure instrument
44 Laboratory Counter
45 Laboratory stirrer
46 Automatic timer
47 Balance for weighing organs
48 Saws, wire for cutting bones
49 Slide boxes for 100 slides for students
50 Drill for boring glass
51 X-ray viewing box (LED)
52 Sternal puncture needle adult size
53 Sternal puncture needle child size
54 Liver Biopsy needle
55 Stop watch reading at 1/5 second.
56 pH Meter electric
57 Electrophoresis Set Up
58 LED Wireless Projector
59 Museum jars.
60 Surgical instruments.
61 Glassware, stains, chemicals reagents etc. for histological work.
(D) Clinical Laboratory:
62 Five Part Hematology Analyzer
63 Three Part Hematology Analyzer
64 Automatic Urine Analyzer
65 Binocular Microscopes with high end optics including 100X & LED Fluorescence for each Faculty/ resident working in lab plus 2 microscopes for technicians.
66 Sp. Gravity Measure
67 PH meter
68 Incubator
69 Haemacytometers with red and white pipettes
70 Syringes disposable
71 Staining jars for slides.
72 Automatic Hematology Slide Stainers.
73 Urinometers (Mercury based instruments to be replaced with other alternatives)
74 Centrifuge tubes graduated.
75 Graduated cylinders for various capacities ranging from 100 cc to1000 cc.
76 Pipettes of various sizes with disposal tips.
77 Reagent bottles
78 Dropping bottles
79 Reagents
80 Balances –Digital Single Pan Sensitive Chemical balance
(E) Specimens:
81 Mounted Specimens
82 Wet Specimens
  Note: Equipment must be of International specification & standards, regular calibration, running of international standard controls, comprehensive maintenance are mandatory. Department must have High Speed Internet Facility > 2 MB/S. Adequate Desktop, Laptops, Printers, Scanners, Portable Hard Disks, DVD Writer etc. for office and for the Faculty & Residents.
List of  Instruments for manufacturing of blood products in the component section(Blood Bank)
Sr. No. Name of Equipment
1 Apheresis Machine (Comtec 100-240v/50-60 HZ 9008021)
2 Donor Couch smart standard 14xL        
3 Blood Bag Refrigerator (2-60C) 800 Units
4 Blood Bag Refrigerator (2-60C) 300 Units
5 Plasma deep freezer     (-400C)  240 Units
6 Plasma deep freezer     (-800C)    90 Units
7 Platelet Agitator C Incubator    32 Units
8 Refrigerated Centrifuge             08 Units
9 Plasma Thawing bath system    12 Units
10 Electronic weighing Machine
11 Double Pan Balance
12 Dry Rubber Counter Balance :-
  A. Six Grams
  B. Two Grams
  C.  Four Grams
13 Dielectric tube sealer
14 Manual  Plasma expressor 
List of  Instruments available in the Whole Human Blood Section(Blood Bank)
Sr.No. Name of Equipment
1 Bacteriological Incubator
2 Rotary Shaker
3 Office Centrifuge
4 Water Bath
5 Rotary Shaker(Mechanical)
6 Di Electric Tube Sealer
7 Blood Bank Refrigerator 
8 Blood Bank Refrigerator
9 Blood Collection Monitor 
10 Lab Centrifuge 
11 Autoclave
12 Hot Air Oven
13 Elisa Reader 
14 Elisa Washer
15 Laminar Air Flow Bench
16 Gel Technology for cross Matching
17 Hemoglobin analyzer