E-Poster Making Competition

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The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College & Research Centre, Moradabad, U.P under the chairmanship of Prof. Rehana Najam had organized an inter college e-Poster Making Competition for the medical undergraduate students which was held on 11th July 2020.

The objective of the competition was to ignite the fire of imagination, awareness and creativity in the students. The theme of the competition was ‘World Population Day’. The young learners displayed their artistic skills through an array of posters. Around 29 students participated in the competition with immense zeal and enthusiasm and made beautiful posters which gave us the message of saving our planet earth & providing a best to our future generations. It was a great opportunity to watch these young minds creating and displaying their ideas on paper.

The final judgment was made by our honorable Judges Prof. (Dr.) S. Dutta (Principal, TMMC&RC), Prof. (Dr.) N. Huda (Add. Dean Academic, TMMC&RC), Prof. (Dr.) Sudhir Gupta (HOD, Community Medicine, TMMC&RC) and Prof (Dr.) Prithpal S Matreja (HOD, Pharmacology, TMMC&RC).

Mr. Punya Thareja (batch 2018-19) begged the first prize, Mr. Puneet Sharma (batch 2018-19) second prize & third position was secured by Mr. Diganshu Sahu (batch 2017-18) followed by e-certificate to all participants.