Guest Lecture on Healthy Living, Healthy Aging & Soft Skill Development

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The Student Nurses Association of college of nursing organised a Guest Lecture on "Healthy Living, Healthy Aging & Soft Skill Development" 15-02-2020 at 10.15 AM. The guest speakers were Dr. Vivek Sharma, Dean Government Institute of Medical Sciences Noida U.P., Prof. R. P. Singh, Soft skill trainer, KGMU, Lucknow, U.P, Dr. Sanjay Sharma, Professor, TMMC & RC, Moradabad, U.P The program was inaugurated by the Chief Guest of the day Hon'ble Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Raghuvir Singh with lamp lighting and invocation song. In the presence of Prof. Mrs. Jasline .M, Vice Principal, Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Nursing. The programme was started with the welcome address by Ms. Simran, SNA Secretary, IInd year BSc Nursing student. The guest speaker was honoured by presenting a memento by Chief Guest of the day Hon'ble Pro- Vice Chancellor Prof. Raghuvir Singh. In the Speech Prof. Mrs. Jasline M., Vice Principal, Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Nursing, briefed about the importance of healthy living, healthy aging and soft skills for students and congratulated SNA for organizing the Guest Lecture. Speech by Chief Guest: Hon'ble Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Raghuvir Singh, congratulated the efforts of SNA to organize this event which ultimately helps in updating the knowledge that focus on effective practice. Later motivated all the students to adopt certain practices that will lead to healthy living further he elaborated various such activities along with that he explained the importance of healthy aging and soft skills for the students. Further, the guest speaker was invited to speak on the topic: Healthy Living, Healthy Aging & Soft Skill Development for the students. The students of 450 in numbers belonging to MSc(N), P.B.BSc(N), BSc(N) & GNM participated and acquired knowledge on Healthy Living, Healthy Aging, & Soft Skill Development and cleared their practical doubts on the same. Feed back and Discussion by the students: The Nursing students asked various questions and got the clarification from the expert guest speaker. Further students appreciated the presentation and demanded that such guest lecture should be organized in the future that will be of great use in their professional practice and development by updating the knowledge. The entire programme was planned and organized under the guidance of Prof. Jasline M., Vice-Principal, Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Nursing. Vote of thanks was devoted by Mr. Shamil, SNA Advisor, through which the programme was concluded.

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