Guest Lecture on Proportions for Fertilizers to Use

College of Agriculture and sciences TMU, recently conducted a guest lecture on the essential topic, Proportions for Fertilizers to Use.

The workshop was initiated with welcoming the guest lecturer Prof. V K Singh, HOD Agronomy at ICAR, New Delhi by the hands of Dr. Alok Kumar Mishra HOD, College of Agricultural Sciences TMU, presenting a potted basil plant as the token of appreciation.

Therein the lecture began with Prof VK Singh interacing with the students and enlightening them about the fertility of the soil, fertilizers it useful & harmful effects. He stressed how a thin line can be maintained and good crop yield can be generated with just the right proportion of fertilizers, which can thereafter reduce the bad effects of the fertilizers on the soil.

Excessive use of fertilizers leaves the land barren and of no use hence a lot of farmers are sceptical about the chemical fertilizers but with the correct proportions, these fertilizers can do wonders and enhance the quality and quantity of produce. Furthermore, he elaborated on various related topics like crop production, elements, and deficiencies in soil affecting the crops yield.

Better produce brings in better income for the farmworkers, farmers and also feed more people while reducing the import of these essential commodities for the huge population our country inhabits. He informed the students how ICAR department along with the Kisaan Kamgar Mantralaya is trying to change the scenarios for the betterment of the farmers while giving the students insight about the new upcoming agendas and developments.

Prof VK Singh also spoke about the green fertilizers, manure, and compost and stated that with the knowledge of proportions of fertilizers can enrich and reform the agricultural practices more for a better future.

At the conclusion of the guest lecture, Prof. V.K. Singh was felicitated with a memento by the hands of Prof. MP Singh, Director Student Welfare Association.
