National Webinar on Journey of Durable Rigid Pavement

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A one day national webinar on the topic "Journey of Durable Rigid Pavement" was held by the Department of Civil Engineering, FOE & CCSIT, TMU, Moradabad in collaboration with Ultra Tech Cement Ltd and HRIT Group of Institutions.

The webinar commenced with a welcome address by Prof. R. K. Jain, Head, Civil Engineering Department, FOECS, TMU, by welcoming the chief guest Er. Vinay Gupta, President, ICI and Dr. Rakesh Dwivedi, Principal, FoE & CCSIT.

The webinar aimed to enlighten the students of B-tech Civil Engineering and industry professionals about the technical knowledge of the topic Durable Rigid Pavement specially designed for Highway.

The first speaker Er. KP Abraham, Ex. Chief Engineer, CPWD spoke about the "History of Concrete". A few decades back, 1kg of cement manufacturing released 1 kg of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. With technological developments, it has been brought down to 0.7 kg/kg of cement. The emission level is expected to be around 0.5 kg/kg of cement. The reduction of cement content is essential for sustainability. We can use Mineral or Chemical admixture and using this will enhance the performance parameters of concrete.

The second eminent speaker, Er. Binod Kumar, Sr. Principal Scientist, CSIR-CRRI, New Delhi, discussed about "Construction and Quality Control of Rigid Pavement". In his lecture, he emphasized on different layers of rigid pavements and quality control. The foundation for rigid pavement is called subgrade. He gave the range of different parameters for PQC mix requirements.

The webinar ended after a brief doubt solving session, where the students and professionals tried to understand the policies and new upgradations of the rigid pavement construction.

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