Proof of Concept Poster Competition

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Innovation Institute Council (IIC) of Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Nursing, TMU organized a Proof-of-Concept Poster Competition on 30/1/2021 from 2:30PM to 4:00 PM at Multipurpose hall.

The event was organized specially to create new Innovation ideas and create awareness for students about Proof of Concept through the poster competition that will enhance the artistic creativity and cognitive abilities of the students.

Topics are:

  • Health Care & Biomedical Devices
  • Food Processing / Nutrition / Biotechnology
  • Waste Management / Waste to Health
  • Clean & Potable Water

It was very well-planned competition and many students voluntarily participated in this competition.

A team of faculties and students of M.Sc. Nursing, B.Sc. Nursing and P.B.B.Sc. Nursing were present. In this competition 11 groups participated on the topics selected by them from the listed topics. All groups presented their topics through POSTERS and the time limitation of presentation is 2 -3 mins.

In this competition Prof. Shreenath Kisanrao Kulkarni President of IIC, Principal and Prof. M. Jasline, Vice President of IIC, Vice Principal, were the judges for the competition. Out of the 11 groups 3 groups were selected for the award.

  • First price - B.Sc. 2nd year group 6 (Asim Kumar, Pratham Kumar, Anjali Kulbe)
  • Second Price - B.Sc. 2nd year group 3 (Himanshi, Yogita, Archana Saini)
  • Third Price - M.Sc. 1st year group 1 (Earnest, Oskar, Allan)

At the end of the event the Prof. SHREENATH KISANRAO KULKARNI President of IIC, Principal of Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Nursing encourage the students regarding creation of new innovation ideas and motivate students for Participating in more Innovation Competition conducted by IIC.