'World Unity Day' was celebrated by the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, TMDC&RC, TMU to commemorate Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel's 144th birth anniversary. National Unity Day or Rashtriya Ekta Diwas is observed every year on October 31, on the birth anniversary of...
TMU News
Event date : 25.10.2019 Venue of the Event: TMIMT College of Physical Education, TMU Host/Organizer: TMIMT College of Physical Education, TMU No. of participant (F): 23 Chief Guest (Opening): Mr. Ravindra Dev, Principal (College of Fine Arts, TMU) Chief Guest (Closing): Mr....
A lecture on the Big Bang theory & the expanding universe was held at Faculty of Engineering & College of Computing Sciences & Information Technologys (FOE & CCSIT) Department of Physics on October 23rd, 2019. The speaker for the lecture was Dr. Punit Kumar from the University...
A fresher’s party (19-10-2019) organization for the first-year students of the B.Ed. programme of Faculty of Education, TMU was conducted by third semester students of the programme. The party was color coded with black for the boys and pastels the girls. The inauguration...
One day workshop on Intellectual Property Rights was organized under the aegis of Institution Innovation Counseling in the Faculty of Engineering and Computing Sciences of Teerthankar Mahaveer University on 19th October, 2019 .Ms. Puja Registered Patent Agent(Govt. of India),...
On 19.10.2019 College of Law & Legal Studies organized an educational trip to National Museum Delhi with 80 students and 4 faculty members respectively. The main purpose of the visit was to get the students closer with our national heritage. The visit began with lot of...
Shell is one of the most diversified international energy company in India with over 8500 employees and presence across upstream, integrated gas, downstream, renewable energy, and deep capabilities in R&D, digitalization and business operations. The company has its presence...
Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College & Research Centre's Microbiology department conducted its 4th annual IATP UP-UK chapter conference TROPACON 2019 held at the auditorium of TMMC&RC, TMU campus. The conference surmised of discussing numerous illnesses and diseases caused by...
A freshers party for the BBA iNurture students was held on 16th October 2019. The objective of freshers is to formally welcome the first years and improve the senior-junior interaction. Owing to change the normalcy of the event, a combination of cultural and other activities...
Event date (from –to): 09.10.2018 & 15.10.2019 Venue of the Event: TMIMT College of Physical Education, TMU Host/Organizer: TMIMT College of Physical Education, TMU No. of participant (M/F): 20/10 & Chief Guest (2018-19): Mr. Namit Gupta, Asstt. Professor (CCSIT,TMU) Chief...