About Research & Development
The Research and Development Center at Teerthanker Mahaveer
University is an interdisciplinary center dedicated to research, education, industrial
collaborations, outreach, and service. The center aims to combine Science,
Engineering and cutting edge technology with green, sustainable, equitable and
environment-friendly design to deliver innovative and holistic services to the world.
The mission of the Research and Development Center (RDC) is to enhance and
fortify basic research and expand the advance research by bringing together young and
leading researchers, faculty members, scientists, engineers, and graduate students from
across multidisciplinary research areas in the emerging field of Chemical Sciences, Physical
Sciences, Biological Sciences, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Pharmacy, Medical, and health
The Research and Development Center’s mission is comprised of the following objectives:
- Conduct world-class scientific research in multidisciplinary areas, with a long-term
outlook and openness to unknown territories.
- Transfer technology resulting from research to industry and society.
- Share the latest knowledge with students, researchers, faculty members, the scientific
community, media, and the general public.
- Train undergraduate students, graduate students, researchers, PhD students,
post-doctoral fellows, school teachers, and faculty members to become world-class
experts through research activities.
- Serve as a hub to create technological synergies with faculty members and experts
- Provide open research lab and workshop facilities for retired professors, scientists,
and engineers.
- Establish Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with national and international
universities, research laboratories, and industries.
- Develop student exchange programs.
- Promote opportunities for women researchers to access national and international
scholarships and schemes.
- Promote ethics in research.
The Research and Development Center has published several research papers in
reputed international journals with high impact factors. The Center is currently focusing on
research in the areas of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry and Engineering,
Nucleic Acid Chemistry, Cheminformatics, Nuclear and Particle Physics and Astrophysics. The
Center continually develops collaborations with national and international organizations to
foster interdisciplinary research.