From the Desk of Dean

Prof. (Dr.) Vipin Jain
Director / Dean
Welcome to Teerthanker Mahaveer Institute of Management and Technology (TMIMT). TMIMT is
a leader in Management and Commerce Education in UP West region in India.
We offer many programmes and courses which cater to the needs of the ever increasing
demand of qualified Graduates and Post Graduates. By virtue of its ethically trained
manpower, TMIMT has established a niche for itself in the northern zone of India.
We offer a variety of courses in management, finance, marketing, international business
and shipping and logistics at under graduate and post graduate level and also Ph.D.
programmes with many specializations. The various programmes offered by the college are
tailor made to suit the human resources requirements in banks, public administration,
private sector, financial institutions and insurance companies.
We are looking at introducing additional courses to suit the needs of the industry. All
our courses are taught by very experienced and well qualified Faculty.
The college seeks to advance knowledge through high quality teaching and research. The
college offers ground-breaking training in management and commerce. It prepares the
students for future – be it career as an entrepreneur, a white collar professional in
MNC or the public sector.
We continually strive to address global aspects of the disciplines we teach making our
courses particularly striking to domestic and overseas students in the context of
increasing economic and financial integration. We seek to provide a gratifying,
enjoyable and collegiate work environment that enables members of students and staffs to
develop their career and fulfill their potential. The teaching staff in our college is
passionate about academic and is dedicated to the teaching programme.
Here at TMIMT, we understand the need of holistic development in the era of conflicting
personal values and crushing competition of the market. Keeping that in mind, we make it
a point to train students for such situations and circumstances in life wherein they
stand tall and put forward their best both in terms of effective decision-making and
resilience. We put family values and cultural awareness at priority so as to make
students connected to their roots and stay ahead in times of turmoil.
The TMIMT family wishes the aspiring students an enjoyable and rewarding academic year
ahead. We look forward to working as a dedicated and disciplined team.
We hope you will accept the challenge of becoming a student of the college. Your only
limitation will be your imagination. We hope you will make the most of your college
years in TMIMT through your hard work and eagerness to grasp the opportunities. The
college can get you where you want to be, whether you are a first time freshman, an
existing student, or a working professional.