Welcome to TMU Grievances Portal

In order to promote a responsive and conducive academic environment on the campus, each College/Independent Teaching Department shall establish a 'Students' Grievance Redressal Cell'. The ‘Cell’ shall provide a friendly mechanism for the students to report their grievances and the faster disposal of the same. It shall also provide a platform to the students to come forward with constructive suggestions for a more efficient and effective teaching-learning atmosphere

Further, the University has established a Students' Help Desk at the Administrative Block with the objective of guiding the university students to the appropriate Office/Officer to address their queries or resolv a difficulty. The ‘Help Desk’ shall also advise the students about the procedure involved in the matter. It may also facilitate in resolving any grievance of a student remaining unattended at the College/Department level.

NOTE: The term “Grievance” refers to a difficulty, problem, or a feeling of discontent at the individual student level due to an act/omission of the staff of University/College/Department]


  1. Student's Help Desk
    • To guide a student about the procedure and officers/offices to be approached to address any query/grievance related to an academic or administrative matter
    • To co-ordinate with College/Department/Section/Division of the University in resolving the students' grievances.
  2. Student's Grievance Redressal Cell
    • Providing a free and fair environment to students so that they can express their difficulties and problems without any apprehension.
    • To ensure early and effective solution to a student’s problem and provide suggest ways and means so that such an issue does not arise in future.
    • Counseling the students to maintain dignity and decorum, and to exercise restraint and patience as per demand of the situation.
    • Ensuring a friendly environment in the College/Department by promoting cordial Student-Student and Student-Staff relations.
    • Training the staff to be more responsive, courteous, and service oriented.

Compositions of Students' Grievance Redressal Cell (SGRC)

1 A Professor Chairperson
2 Four Professors/Senior Faculty Members of the Institution Member
3 A representative from among students (nominated based on academic merit, excellence in sports, or co-curricular performance) Special Invitee
  • At least one member or the Chairperson shall be a woman and at least one member or the Chairperson shall be from SC/ST/OBC category.
  • The term of the Chairperson and members shall be for a period of two years.
  • The term of the special invitee shall be one year.
  • The quorum for the meeting including the Chairperson, but excluding the special invitee, shall be three.

Department/College Greviances Redressal Cell (DGRC/CGRC)

1 A Professor (Head of the Department/Principal of the College) Chairperson
2 A Professor from outside the Department/College (nominated by the Vice Chancellor) Member
3 A representative from among students (nominated based on academic merit, excellence in sports, or co-curricular performance) Special Invitee
4 A faculty member well-versed with grievance redressal mechanism (nominated by the Principal of the College) Member Secretary


The Students' Grievance Redressal Cell shall strive to resolve all types of grievances of routine nature raised by the students of the respective College/Department, except those mentioned in the ‘Exclusion’ clause or the ones that infringe upon the working of any other Authority.

As such, the 'Cell' shall deal with the following types of grievances/suggestions (the list is only indicative in nature):

  1. Academic: Identity Card, Marks Sheet, Duplicate Marks Sheet, Migration Certificate, Enrollment number, Degree Certificate, Character Certificate, Internal assessment, Attendance, Laboratory, Workshop.
  2. Financial: Fee/Dues, Fine
  3. Administrative: Discipline, Transport, Security, and Information/Query
  4. Hostel: Accommodation, Services, Hygiene, Cleanliness, Food.


Procedure to file a Grievance/Suggestion

  1. A student may approach the Students' Grievance Redressal Cell in person and file her/his grievance/suggestion.
  2. The matter may also be reported through e-mail to the Chairperson of the 'Cell'.
  3. A student may also drop the completed proforma in the Suggestion/ Grievance Box placed outside the Office to the respective Principal/HOD.
  4. A student can approach the Students’ Help Desk for any grievance/suggestion related to other sections of the University, or regarding a grievance not settled by her/his College/Department.
  5. A student can also make use of the Suggestion/Complaint Box maintained at the Students’ Help Desk for giving a suggestion or reporting a grievance.
  6. No student is allowed to file a grievance/suggestion on behalf of any other student.
  7. Incomplete proforma or anonymous proforma shall be summarily rejected.

Complaint Processing

  1. Suggestion/Grievance Box maintained at the College/Department will be opened every Monday & Thursday by the Member Secretary of the Cell.
  2. In the case of the University, the Suggestion/Grievance Box shall be opened by an authorized representative of the Registrar.
  3. The Suggestions/Grievances so received shall be entered in serial order with a suffix S or G, as the case may, in the register maintained for the purpose. All grievances/ suggestions received by hand or email shall also be recorded in the same register in the order of their receipt at the concerned Cell/Desk.
  4. The Students Grievance Redressal Cell shall ensure urgent meeting(s) as are necessary to ensure early resolution of grievance(s), such that the students can find early solutions to the difficulties faced by them, thus generating higher confidence into the system.
  5. It is desirable that the ‘Cell’ resolves all the issues within seven working days from the date of its registration.
  6. The action taken with the date against each grievance/suggestion shall be recorded in the above register.
  7. Minutes of meetings of the ‘Cell’ shall be maintained by the respective College/ Department.
  8. A monthly report of the above shall be sent to the office of the Registrar along with other monthly reports.


The Students' Grievance Redressal Cell or Students’ Help Desk shall not entertain the grievance arising out of any of the following:

  1. Decisions of the Executive Council, Academic Council, University Court, Planning Board, Finance Committee.
  2. Decisions of the Board of Studies, Board of Faculty, any other Administrative or Academic Committees constituted by the University.
  3. Decisions taken by the University Authorities with regard to disciplinary matters and conduct of students.
  4. Decisions of the competent authority on assessment and examination results.

Appellate authority & power to remove Difficulties

  1. The Vice Chancellor of the University shall be the Appellate Authority, whose decision shall be final and binding on all.
  2. The Vice Chancellor shall also be the competent authority to remove any difficulty or ambiguity in interpretation and effecting these 'Rules'.