

Welcome to Central Library & Knowledge Resource Centre









The Knowledge Resource Centre (KRC) of Teerthanker Mahaveer University consists of a Central Library with four major branches situated in different Academic Blocks. These are well established modern libraries catering to the information needs of the academic community. For a closer view of advances in technology, new discoveries in the fields of medical and engineering, These libraries have more than two lakh books on varied subjects and have subscription to print version of 289 national and international journals besides access to a host of e-journals. The University has subscribed the EBSCOhost, lexis Nexis and DELNET database providing access to full text research articles and sector specific reports in different disciplines.

The Central Library is fully automated with KOHA open source library management software which connects all computers of the library and the different departments, colleges, and faculty of the University. Books are issued through bar-coded membership cards to the students and faculty members of the University from the circulation section. The books and other reading materials are issued to the students for reading room study from the issue counter. The Catalogue of the Central Library is available on internet/intranet for search. The CCTV cameras are installed to ensure safety of the Library materials. The Central Library is also equipped with Fire Alarm Control Panel and manually operated fire extinguishers. Approx. 1200 students, teachers and other members visit the Library almost every day. A register is maintained in the library and the visitor must show his valid identity card at the entrance.

Material Design for Bootstrap - example photo
Material Design for Bootstrap - example photo
Material Design for Bootstrap - example photo
Material Design for Bootstrap - example photo

The Library Collection also includes a large section of expensive encyclopedias, reference books and a large number of text books related to the courses being run in the University. Besides this, the students/ faculty/ staff can access the resources of National Digital Library of India (NDL) which consist of > 7 lakh books, 3 lakh research papers, 95.000 + theses. Can be accessed at

The main objectives of Central Library of Teerthanker Mahaveer University are stated as the following:

  • Academic library is dynamic instruments of education. They support the faculty in teaching and research programmes. The primary objective of the library is conservation and preservation of knowledge
  • Helping the faculty and students to achieve highest academic honour and lifetime good reading.
  • To educate and assist students and staff in the identification and effective use of information resources
  • To preserve all collections/materials and maintain/upgrade infrastructure to enhance the quality of services
  • To collect library materials in all formats, broaden and update all collections to meet the needs of programs and support teaching, research, innovation, and training
  • To automate complete function of all process of the library using ICT
  • To provide current library materials and databases that support academic curriculum.


  • Membership/identity cards are required to be shown at the entrance on demand.
  • Personal belongings are not allowed to be taken inside the library. Such belongings should be deposited at the baggage counter. It should be clearly understood that the belongings left at the property counter are at the personal risk of readers. They should be collected back on the same day. The library does not accept any responsibility for loss etc.
  • Members are permitted to take inside the library their personal books for consultation subject to necessary checking each time while taking in and taking out the personal books.


  • Readers are required to handle the library reading materials and property very carefully and not to (i) Write in or mark (ii) Tear-away pages or mutilate (iii) Disfigure or otherwise cause damage in anyway.
  • In case damage is caused to any library reading materials or property the person concerned shall be liable to pay the replacement cost. In addition, his membership may be cancelled at the discretion of the University librarian.
  • Members are expected to maintain strict silence & conduct themselves with dignity conducive to congenial atmosphere for study & research.
  • Anyone found guilty of misbehaviour will render his/ her membership liable to be cancelled at the sole discretion of the University librarian.
  • No library reading material can be taken out without getting it properly issued. Any found violently this rule will be considered liable to such action as may be deemed necessary by the University librarian.
  • Library premises are completely a NO SMOKING ZONE.


This section in face of the library as library main counter is known as Circulation Counter or Circulation Section. This section extends issue and return facility of library documents. This section further responsible for generating membership, providing no-dues certificate, collection of overdue or other library fines. This section also extends document reservation service, sending reservation service-related alerts and collecting advance payments of students for photocopy facility.

Every student shall be issued one library card on which student shall be entitled to get specified number of book(s) issued from the library. The book shall have to be returned to the library on or before the due date and in case due date falls on nonworking day the book can be returned on the next working day without fine.

The librarian reserves the right to ask any student to return the book(s) back to the library any time.



  • Borrowing facilities are given only to the members of the KRC against the Non- Transferable Identity Card issued by the Central Library to the member. Borrowing is permitted only through the Circulation Counter.
  • Every student shall be issued one library card on which student shall be entitled to get specified number of book(s) issued from the library. The book shall have to be returned to the library on or before the due date.
  • Books belonging to Rare, Reference, Reports, and Competition Sections are not ordinarily issued except with special permission of the librarian, besides this Journals & Thesis are also not issued.


  • Current Journals/Magazines/Newspapers are strictly for reference purposes in the KRC and will not be issued to anyone. If there is an urgent need, then the back issues of a few journals/magazines can be issued for over-night against the library membership card through special permission.


  • Each student (College Topper only) will be given two extra library tickets for a period of one academic year for circulation of books according to CGPA. After the completion of the academic year, student must return these two tickets in the library.
  • Overdue charges are levied if a book is kept beyond the due date as per rules.
  • The librarian may remit are exempt any person from payment of overdue charge at his discretion.
  • Those members who are found to be in the habit of detaining, Library material will be dealt with strictness. If anyone is found to have detained library materials beyond one month after the due date thrice in a year, his/her membership of the library will be liable to be cancelled at the discretion of the librarian. For this purpose, proper record of each default will be maintained at the counter.
  • Book on loan is subject to recall by librarian at any time.
  • Reminders for overdue books are usually sent. However non-receipt of a reminder cannot be taken as a ground for late return of books.
  • A book once issued will be allowed inside the library for return purpose only.
  • Books having same title will not be issued simultaneously.


  • In case of loss of library reading material, the reader concerned shall be required to pay replacement price prevailing at the time of payment as per rules.
  • Double amount will be charged for the loss of book to recover the cost of book & procurement cost.
  • In case of loss of rare and out of print books, and bound volumes of periodicals, the replacement cost shall be fixed by the librarian in each case as per rules.
  • In case loss of loose issues of periodicals, replacement cost for the whole volume shall be ordinarily required to be paid.


  • The loss of library card should be immediately reported to the librarian in writing.
  • Due care will be taken by the library to prevent misuse of lost card. But the library does not accept any responsibility for this. The reader concerned shall continue to be responsible for any loss, due to the misuse of the lost card even after having formally reported the loss and having been issued duplicate card.
  • On request, duplicate ticket may be issued after period of 2 days after the report of loss was made. However, the member shall pay Rs. 100/- for one duplicate library ticket.


  • The membership card is not transferable.
  • Any constructive suggestion from readers will be most welcome.
  • Strict discipline and decorum of the library shall be maintained all the time.
  • No one should remove any part of library, any newspaper, or current issues of periodical on display.
  • No one should enter the counter or use library telephones without prior permission.
  • The borrowers shall satisfy themselves about the physical condition of the books before borrowing. No plea that book was already damaged will be entertained at the time of return
  • A member against whom overdue charges pending shall not be allowed to borrow or withdraw security deposit.
  • The librarian may grant special permission to any person to borrow books at his discretion.
  • Notwithstanding, the librarian may at his/her discretion relax any of the rules.
  • Leave the book in the stack section counter after use rather than restoring it on the shelf.
  • Help in keeping the library neat and clean.
  • Do not use Mobile Phone in the library or switched it off.
  • Make the best use of your library. The library staff members are there to assist you. Cooperate with them, to be get cooperation.
Library Hours
Central Library Wing A: Medical
Monday to Saturday 8:30 AM to 12:00 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM to 08:00 PM
Central Library Wing B: Non Medical
Monday to Saturday 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM
Central Library Wing C: TMIMT
Monday to Saturday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Central Library Wing D: Agriculture
Monday to Saturday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Library works in days 360

The LRC opens all days of the week under following timings:

  • KRC (except Medical) will remain closed on Holidays listed in the Academic Calendar of the Teerthanker Mahaveer University.
  • All online resources can be accessed.
  • Any change in the KRC timings will be notified in advance.

For any queries please mail at:

Dr. Vineeta Jain

University Librarian

Library Management System:

Library Management Software (LMS) The Teerthanker Mahaveer University's Library uses a comprehensively featured, scalable library management system, i.e. KOHA, an integrated multi-user library management system that supports the in-house operations. The software encompasses acquisition, cataloguing, circulation, serials, and OPAC modules. The library updates its database daily with information about the latest procurement. All the faculty and staff members have migrated to the latest computerized circulation system. With KOHA, the management has become impeccable and streamlined.

Learning Management System (LMS):

The Teerthanker Mahaveer University’s Digital Library is an Institutional Repository. The library system is equipped with 140 high-performance computer systems. Besides, it contains the research articles along with faculty members’ PPTs. This facility is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week on the University campus.

Digital Library:

Digital Library is a Swadhyay Institutional Repository of Teerthanker Mahaveer University. We have 140 Computer systems in digital library including all departmental unit of Central Library. It contains scanned copy of previous years question papers.


Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) allows students to access books, journals, magazines, and other materials online. It’s a collection of books that contains all the most recent curricular books, with fresh additions made regularly. To issue the book, one must be familiar with the list of books borrowed, as well as their due dates. It allows for the rapid search of the library catalogue.

Online Information Search:

For Research scholars, KRC is an outstanding service. It allows students easy access to previous projects, paper-writing, journals, etc. The KRC staff is quite welcoming and is always ready to assist the scholars in delivering crucial information.


"Shodhganga" is the title given to the INFLIBNET Centre’s digital repository of Indian Electronic Theses and Dissertations. The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre allows research scholars to deposit their PhD theses and make them open access to the entire scholarly community. The repository can capture, indexing, storing, disseminating, and preserving ETDs submitted by researchers.


The e-ShodhSindhu primarily caters to the needs of Research Scholars. It provides current and archival access to over 10,000 core and peer-reviewed journals. Besides this, it serves a variety of bibliographic, citation, and factual databases in numerous disciplines, from a large number of publishers and aggregators to its member institutions. It majorly includes centrally funded technical institutions, universities, and colleges.


The Gandhinagar based Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre is an Autonomous Inter-University Center (IUC) of the University Grants Commission in New Delhi (Ministry of Education, Govt. of India). It is a significant National Programme launched by the UGC in March 1991 as a project under the IUCAA. In June 1996, it also became an independent Inter-University Center. INFLIBNET is involved in the modernization of university libraries in India by utilizing innovative technologies for optimal information utilization.


The National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT) is envisioned as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, to leverage the potential of ICT in the teaching and learning process for the benefit of all learners in Higher Education Institutions. It can be accessed while sitting on a couch.

Along with this, in 2003, seven Indian Institutes of Technology including Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Guwahati, and Roorkee along with the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore launched the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL). It is the world’s largest online repository of courses for engineering, basic sciences, selected humanities and social sciences students.


SWAYAM, a government-initiated effort that aims to meet the three cardinal principles of education policy which involve accessibility, equity, and quality. The goal of this initiative is to render the finest teaching and learning resources available to everyone, including the most disadvantaged.

This platform facilitates the transmission of all classroom-taught courses, from Class 9 to post-graduation, to anywhere in the world. All the courses are interactive, designed by the best professors in the country, and are open to learners for no cost. Over 1,000 qualified academics and instructors from around the country assisted in the development of these courses. To ensure high quality delivery and production of materials, nine national coordinators are appointed.

To expand your knowledge, visit Swayam now!

e-PG Pathshala:

To avail Study-At-Home facility amid the Corona outbreak, the MHRD along with UGC started E-PG Pathshala, an initiative under National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT). It is a one-stop shop for all postgraduate courses.

The content and quality are its key components. The interactive e-content is available in 70 subjects encompassing disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts, humanities, natural & mathematical sciences, linguistics and languages. Subject experts working in universities and other R & D organizations throughout the country designed these courses. Every subject comprised a team of principal investigators, paper coordinators, content writers, content reviewers, language editors, etc.

So, level up your knowledge by utilizing an excellent learning platform. Visit e-PG Pathshala right now.

Lending Service:

This is the key feature of library services. To issue/return the books, the students need to reveal their University Identity Card. The KRC lending service allows freedom from this. It is completely computerized, using Barcode technology and a library management software system. With this, the books can be checked out and returned using an uncomplicated Barcode technology.

Text Books / General Books Issued for 15 days
Reference Books: Competition & Rare Books Not allowed (Reference collection may be referred inside the library premises only)
Periodicals (Back) Not allowed (Reference collection may be referred  inside the library premises only)
CDs/DVDs Overnight issue only

KRC Collections

The KRC has been pooling quality resources in all formats from across the world. Broadly following resources are the highlights of the library collection.

KRC Collection (As on 31st January, 2022)

Documents Scope Titles Total Volumes
Books All areas 1,00,667 2,43,943
Rare Books All areas 331 331
E-Books All areas 38,808 38,808
E- Journals All areas 9,163 9,163
Print Periodicals International Journals 127 376
National Journals 234
Magazines 15
Theses Ph. D Theses 85 85
Dissertations M. Tech 3,517 3,517
B. Tech
Bound Volumes (Journals)   1,500 1,500
Newspapers All areas 8 200
Special Reports All areas 6 6
Conference Proceedings All areas 10 10
CDs and DVDs All areas 1,716 1,716

Digital Resources

E-Journals & E-Books Database:

The Library subscribes to a range of online database to help users with their research and academic pursuits. The KRC is institutional member of Medline Complete EBSCO,DynaMed Plus EBSCO Health, Dentistry& Oral Sciences Source EBSCO, Business Source Elite EBSCO, Academic Search Elite EBSCO, Lexis Nexis and DELNET Databases which can be accessed campus wide though IP authentication. You can access high speed internet access at workstations or use Wi-Fi, to read the e-books through online databases subscribed by the KRC available at the Reference Desk.

E-Journal & E-Books Portals Access:

Name of Databases Coverage Area URL Link Access Mode / Availability
Medline Complete EBSCO Medical and allied subject IP Based: Campus wide and remote access
Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source EBSCO Dental and allied subject IP Based: Campus wide and remote access
Business Source Elite EBSCO Management and allied subject IP Based: Campus wide and remote access
Academic Search Elite EBSCO Social Science, Education , Physical Education Nursing, Paramedical, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, and allied subjects IP Based: Campus wide and remote access
Lexis Nexis Law and allied subject IP Based: Campus wide and remote access
DELNET Various Discipline IP Based: Campus wide and remote access