Policies & SOPs



Financial Assistance Policy

TMU Regulations on Financial Assistance to Faculty for Promotion of Research and Student's Participation in Extracurricular Activates, 2021

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Incentive Policy

Rules and regulations for financial assistance to faculty for the promotion of research and to students for participation in extra-curricular activities.

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Consultancy Policy

The policy on Consultancy & Research Projects is framed to contain the rules and regulations governing the activities pertaining to all Consultancy & Research Projects undertaken by the faculty members of the University solely or in collaboration with other individual groups or organizations.

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Seed Money Grant Scheme

To strengthen research and innovation activities by motivating the faculty who are not getting external funding, it is desirable to have Seed money scheme. This will enable the faculty and students to engage in research work until projects get sponsored from outside agency.

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IPR Policy

A Goal of the University is to encourage innovation and creativity by recognizing and rewarding each faculty and student. The commitment to develop new knowledge includes facilitating the practical application of that knowledge for public use.

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VC's Innovation Fund

TMU has established a fund called VC's Innovation Fund to promote innovative and inter-disciplinary research at the University. In essence, it is a pool of fund that can be accessed by faculty members and students from within the university to continuously upgrade their knowledge and skills by undertaking meaningful research.

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MDP and Consultancy

The policy on Management Development Programme and Consultancy is framed to contain the rules and regulations governing the activities pertaining to all Management Development Programmes....

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Resource Mobilization Policy

The Resource mobilization policy focuses on achieving the goals and target of the University ensuring accountability and transparency.

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Maintenance Policy

University has established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing Physical, Academic and support facilities. University has regular maintenance and periodic replenishment of essential facilities.

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IT Policy

The computing resources at Teerthanker Mahaveer University (TMU) University support the educational, instructional, research, and administrative activities of the University and the use of these resources is a privilege that is extended...

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Transport Policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all Transport activities are managed effectively to ensure compliance with International Standard, the Government’s statutory policies and TMU’s transport procedures and regulations.

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Green Policy

The University recognizes it’s role, which it needs to play in developing the environment stewardship of its staff, students and visitors and to integrated the principles of sustainability into activities and services.

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Tour Policy

The University believes that there is a life beyond classroom and some of the most important lessons in life are taught by nature. Therefore, in order to broaden the horizon of the students and draw them out of their comfort zone to face...

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Performance Appraisal Policy

Performance Appraisal of the Teaching and Non-teaching Employees of the University, 2020 and isframed in accordance with the provisions of the section 38 of the U.P. Private Universities Act 2019.

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Service Rule

Teerthanker Mahaveer University Rules on Service Conditions of the Teaching & NonTeaching Employees of the University,2021 and are framed in accordance with the provisions of the section 38 of the U.P. Private University Act 2019.

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Faculty Recruitment Policy

TMU Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in the University

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Fire SOP

To lay down instructions for Fire Prevention for strict implementation by all personnel of the University in the Campus and Hostels managed and run by the University and also lay down procedure to be followed in the event of any outbreak...

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Security SOP

Standard operating procedures for security guards help maintain an effective work environment by clearly outlining the policies and uniform procedures that security guards should adopt and apply to their daily work.

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Hostel SOP

Hostel is like a home for the students in campus. Accordingly the students should be facilitated by the all utility services facilities, food essential commodities, sports and events and hygienic environment for residing in the hostel.

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