Evaluation Scheme of Coursework for Ph.D. Programme

In compliance of University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedures for Award of M.Phil/ Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2022 Effective from Nov 7, 2024

[Amended w.e.f. July 27, 2024]

Sl.No. Course Code Subject Credits Min. Qualifying Marks Max. Marks
1. RRMD101 Research Methodology 4 50 100
2. RRMD102 Quantitative Methods & Computer Applications 2 50 100
3. RMGT171 Review of Literature 2 --- ---
4. CPE-RPE101* Research & Publication Ethics 2 50 100
5. Course Code as mentioned in the Syllabi of Discipline Specific Courses Discipline Specific 4 50 100
6. Additional courses, esp. related to teaching pedagogy, curriculum design, evaluation, writing and mandatory teaching hours. The same will be specified in the Regulations of this Ordinance from time to time on the basis of UGC guidelines emerging out of NEP‐2020.
7. Also, additional course, as recommended by RAC and approved by CRC for individual scholars will be a prerequisite for conducting the research in the interdisciplinary research.

*Amended w.e.f. January 01, 2020, as per UGC D.O. No. F-1-1/2018 (Journal/CARE)
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The research scholar shall submit a draft copy of the review of literature duly recommended by his supervisor(s) to the concerned college/department of the university. The review of literature shall be evaluated by an external subject expert nominated by the Vice Chancellor who shall submit his assessment/recommendations to the university as to whether the review of literature be accepted/accepted with minor suggestions; referred to the scholar for submission in revised form; or cannot be accepted in the present form and to be resubmitted. If the expert recommends the revision/re-submission, the research scholar shall be required to submit the revised draft copy of the review of literature after incorporating the recommendations and suggestions through the research supervisor for the review of CRC whose decision shall be final for grading of the research scholar’s performance in the review of literature.

Syllabus for Coursework (Research Methodology) COURSE CODE: RRMD101

To familiarize the research scholar with the fundamentals of scientific research.

  1. Scientific Research: Meaning and characteristics of scientific research, validity in research, phases/stages in research; types of research- qualitative, quantitative, exponential, exploratory, empirical, descriptive, ex-post facto, case studies, historical studies, philosophical studies, quasi-experimental; ethical problems in research; constructs and variables- nature of construct and variables, concept of constructs, type of variables, continuous and categorical, constructs, observables and intervening variables; Review of literature- purpose of the review, sources of the review, preparation of index card for reviewing and abstracting.
  2. Problem Identification and Hypothesis Formation: Problem- meaning and characteristics of a problem, types of problem, generality and specific of problem; hypothesis- meaning and characteristics of a good hypothesis, types of hypotheses, formulating a hypothesis, ways of stating a hypothesis; testing experimental hypothesis- standard error, test of significance, level of significance, degrees of freedom, errors in hypothesis- type I, type II errors.
  3. Sampling and Research Design: Meaning and types of sampling; probability and non-probability sampling. Methods of drawing samples, requisites of a good sampling method, sample size, sampling error; meaning and purpose of research design, types of research design, criteria of a good research design, basic principles of experimental design.
  4. Introduction to MS-Office: MS-WORD, MS-EXCEL, MATLAB, LATEX.

  1. Cooper & Schindler, Business Research Methods, Tata McGraw Hill.
  2. Saunders, Research Methods for Business Students, Pearson Education.
  3. Allen T Harrell, New Methods in Social Science Researchs, Praeger Publishers, New York.
  4. Beri, G.C., Statistics for Management, Tata MacGraw-Hill.
  5. Chandan J. S., Statistics for Business and Economics, Vikas Publications.
  6. Broota, K.D., Experimental Designs in Behavioural Research, New Age International.
  7. Singh A. K., Test Measurement and Research Methods in Behaviours Sciences, Bharti Bhawan.
  8. Joyce Cox & Polly Urban, Microsoft Office, Galgotia Publishing.
  9. Sinha P.K., Computer Fundamentals, BPB Publishing.
  10. *Latest editions of all the suggested books are recommended.

Syllabus for Coursework (Quantitative Methods and Computer Applications) COURSE CODE: RRMD102

To gain familiarity about various data collection tools and techniques, data analysis and interpretation along with the application of computer and statistical software in research.

  1. Measurement and Scaling Techniques: Measurement in research, measurement scales sources of errors in measurement, tests of second measurement, techniques of developing measurement tools, meaning of scaling, scale classification bases, important scaling techniques, and scale construction techniques.
  2. Data Collection, Processing and Analysis: Methods of data collection – primary data, secondary data; primary data collection – observation method, interview method, questionnaires, schedules, guideline for constructing questionnaires/schedules, secondary data collection of, selection of appropriate method of data collection; coding, editing and tabulation of data, charts and diagrams used in data analysis, bar and pie diagrams and their significance; measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion; correlation and regression analysis - meaning and uses, methods of calculation of coefficients and their analysis and implication. sampling distribution, sampling schemes and sample sizes, confidence interval for the mean, t-statistic, z-statistic, confidence interval for the population variances, hypothesis testing, test of hypothesis for the population mean, population variance and ratio of two population variances; applications of z-test, t-test, f-test and chi-square test, association of attributes and techniques of testing, ANOVA.
  3. Report Writing: Meaning and significance of report writing, types of report, steps in writing report, layout of the research report, precaution in writing research report, developing thesis report, formatting, inside citations, references and bibliography, knowledge of computer, statistical software and their application, application of statistical tests/techniques through the use of statistical software like SPSS, scientific packages like LISREL, AMOS, and SYSTAT for documentation and report generation.

  1. Cooper & Schindler, Business Research Methods, Tata McGraw Hill.
  2. Malhotra Naresh K., Marketing Research, Pearson Education.
  3. Power Analysis for Experimental Research: A Practical Guide for the Biological, Medical and Social Sciences by R. Barker Baushell, Yu-Fang Li, Cambridge University Press.
  4. Chandan J. S., Statistics for Business and Economics, Vikas Publications.
  5. Broota, K.D., Experimental Designs in Behavioral Research, New Age International.
  6. Singh A. K., Test Measurement and Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences, Bharti Bhawan.
  7. Joyce Cox & Polly Urban, Microsoft Office, Galgotia Publishing.
  8. Sinha P.K., Computer Fundamentals, BPB Publishing.
  9. LaTeX: A Document Preparation System, 2/E Pearson Low Price Edition by Lamport.
  10. MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications by Gilat, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
  11. Getting Started with MATLAB by Rudra Pratap, Oxford University Press.
  12. *Latest editions of all the suggested books are recommended.

Review of Literature COURSE CODE: RMGT171

The main objective of this course is to undertake a thorough review of available literature on the topic selected by the research scholar.

  1. The research scholar will review the important studies conducted at the national and international level either by individuals or organizations including government agencies and present the methodology adopted and important findings emerged from these studies. Based on this review of literature the researcher will identify the research gaps existing in the available literature and thus justifying the need for the present study.
  2. The researcher is supposed to follow the pattern adopted in the standard national and international research journals. However, as an illustration, the pattern for reporting review of literature is as under:
    1. Tiwari and Sinha (1971) gave productivity trends and factor compensation in the Indian textiles industry for the period 1946-65, comprising two sub-periods (1946-1955 and 1956-1965). The marginal productivity of capital, on average for the industry as a whole, is found to be lower in the sub-period (1946-55) and higher during (1956-65). Conversely, the estimates of the marginal productivity of labor again, on average, exhibit an actual decline from 2.9 percent to 2.5 percent.
    2. Menon (1971), in his review article, examines the concepts associated with the measurement of productivity at various dimensions of output and input, which are the major elements involved in the exercise of measuring productivity.
    3. Kumar, Anil, and Khurana (2007), in their paper, have examined trends in productivity of labor and capital in the dairy industry in India during pre and post-reform periods. The results in the study conclude that labor productivity at the national level has shown considerable improvement during the post-reform period. But variations have been observed in the growth rate of labor productivity at the state level. On the other hand, capital productivity has declined during the post-reform period at national and state levels.
    4. Kumar and Bala (2007), in their study on "An evaluation of the impact of economic reforms on the growth and productivity of the Indian small-scale sector," have concluded that the economic reforms process initiated in the early nineties has had a downbeat impact on the growth and productivity of the small-scale sector.

Research and Publication Ethics (RPE) COURSE CODE: CPE-RPE101

This course has a total of 6 units focusing on the basics of philosophy of science and ethics, research integrity, publication ethics. Hands-on sessions are designed to identify research misconduct and predatory publications. Indexing and citation databases, open access publications, research metrics (citations, h-index, Impact Factor, etc.) and plagiarism tools will be introduced in this course.

  1. Pedagogy: Classroom teaching, guest lectures, group discussions, and practical sessions.
  2. Evaluation: Continuous assessment will be done through tutorials, assignments, quizzes, and group discussions. Weightage will be given for active participation. A final written examination will be conducted at the end of the course.
  3. Course Structure: The course comprises six modules listed in the table below. Each module has 4-5 units.
Module Unit Title Teaching Hours
RPE 01 Philosophy and Ethics 4
RPE 02 Scientific Conduct 4
RPE 03 Publication Ethics 7
RPE 04 Open Access Publishing 4
RPE 05 Publication Misconduct 4
RPE 06 Databases and Research Metrics 7

Coursework for Ph.D. Programme in Nursing

The scheme of Course work examination time being, in case of Nursing shall be as follows. Any subsequent changes in accordance with the guidelines of INC shall be reflected in the Regulations of this Ordinance.

Sl. No. Course Duration Min Qualifying
Maximum Marks
1 Research Methodology & Applied Statistics 90 Hours 60 100
2 Seminar/Term paper in the area of research (Internal assessment) ----- ----- -----
3 Viva Voce (Proposal defense)* ----- ----- -----
4 Nursing Science and Theory Development Including Nursing Leadership 120 Hours ----- -----
5 Research and Publication Ethics (Common for all disciplines) 20 Hours 60 100

*> = 60% of marks will be considered as pass.

Note: 70% attendance is compulsory for contact hours, failing which, he/she will not be allowed to appear for the Course work; however they have to make up for the same in the next course work.

The syllabi for both the courses shall be as prescribed by the Indian Nursing Council.

The Viva-Voce (proposal defense) examination shall be conducted in presence of the panel consisting of:

  1. Two examiners (Subject Experts) appointed by the University
  2. Supervisor/Co-Supervisor
    The candidate shall be declared as successful in the examination if he/she scores not less than 60% of marks in each course.

The details of the above courses can be accessed on the following link of INDIAN NURSING COUNCIL NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 6th November, 2020.