TMU organizes Education Conclave 2021 to Discuss NEP 2020.
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Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad organized and hosted the Education Conclave 2021. The objective of the conclave was to discuss on the multiple aspects the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) has for the higher secondary education system.
Teerthanker Mahaveer University & its’ chancellor Shri Suresh Jain standing by it’s progressive nature and adhering to the best practices for the students called upon eminent guests like Hon'ble Shrimati Gulab Devi (Minister of State for Secondary Education); Chief Guest Dr. Hari Singh Dhillon (MLC Teachers Constituency Bareilly- Moradabad Division); Shri Pradeep Kumar Dwivedi (District Inspector of School Moradabad) to be a part of this event.
National Education Policy 2020 focuses on multiple facets of higher education in order to improve it’s standards and make it at par with the international standards of education.
Today's educational landscape needs to be creative in it's methods so as to make the technical and vocational skill development programs be more beneficial and job oriented and give rise to the economic growth & productivity.
TMU;s Incorporation of NEP strategies & Practices:
TMU has always tried to be as relevant as possible with it's methods, resources and its management thereby already incorporating these measures for their academic plans.
- Adoption of Choice Based Credit System ;(CBCS) from the session 2019-20
- Adoption of Outcome Based Education (OBE)
- Implementation of Blooms Taxonomy in pedagogy i.e. three aspects of education;cognitive,affective and psychomotor skills
- Constitution of task force for effective implementation of NEP 2020
- Compliance of various guidelines from U.P. Higher Education Council in respect of NEP 2020.
In view to all that, the conclave attracted the attention and presence of more than two hundred principals for this event, who were felicitated by the university for their valued presence in the promotion and implementation of NEP 2020..
Education Conclave 20-21:
Prof R.K Dwivedi's pointed out the conclave's agenda for the day after his welcome address. The points to ponder upon were:
-To discuss the vision of NEP 2020
-To create awareness about structural reforms in the education system.
- To examine and analyze curricular reforms
- To discuss the policy implementation.
- To consult the policy about multi-disciplinary education and the inclusion of technology in the education sector.
Speaker's Segmentation:
Invited guests and keynote speakers detailed out the NEP 2020.
Srimati Gulab Devi (Minister of State for Secondary Education) spoke about the need to chalk out such an educational policy that revitalizes the educational practices to a much productive, advanced scale to support in the economic growth and elimination of multiple issues the country faces on global level. She also mentioned the limitations of the past education system and to eliminate it the teachers role will hold the major reign.
Srimati Gulab Devi also added the newer development of how the teaching industry would rapidly change as according to NEP 2020, the teachers must pass through different verdicts to join the organizations or attain promotions. So that the right teacher takes the right place as students future depends upon the teachers.
At the end she quoted Missile man Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, "Dreams are not that we see while we sleep instead dreams are those that do not let us sleep" to inspire the audience.
Pradeep Kumar Dwivedi (District Inspector of School Moradabad) mentioned about the changes that needs to be implemented in all spheres of education right from research (R& D), innovation, entrepreneurship, skill development, technical, technological and how their combination would support into becoming a super power nation.
Dr. Hari Singh Dhillon (MLC Teachers Constituency Bareilly- Moradabad Division) commented on part where the NEP 2020 could allow students to become a part of two boards. The student can be a respective candidate of not just an Indian board but could also be a part of any foreign board. This will ensure the less migration of students to other foreign universities and colleges.He also mentioned that till class 5th the studies will only be from the native language.
Chancellor TMU Shri Suresh Jain also briefly explained about the events where institutions need to teach required knowledge relevant to today's time as 'talent is more important than degree.' He also informed about the importance of having the right people as educationists and their growth is equally important for the organization & for students.
On such note of 'working towards the betterment of students' the day one of the two day event of TMU Moradabad's Education Conclave 2021 came to a conclusion. Registrar TMU Dr. Aditya Sharma addressed the vote of thanks for it.
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